Few Scripts with good future prospect.

>> Thursday, March 5, 2009

Now as the markets have come down people are stuck as they don't have much money to buy good scripts. There is no liquidity in the markets.
But one can take position in few stocks bellow Rs 20/- and more over which are of good fundamentals.
I have jotted down the list of few stocks which are my favourite.

Dish TV - It is one of the leading company in DTH service.

Marksans Pharma - The script tumbled from 30 rs to 5 rs. A gem of a kind.

Karuturi Global - A company engaged in floriculture business especially roses.

(I would soon be posting a full research analysis on these Scripts along with their targets)

Happy Investing !


Sunil September 25, 2009 at 11:47 AM  

Sir did u post a detail analysis on marksan and karuturi global?pls let me know....plsss