Barack Obama wins historic US election and will he be able to change the American Economy.
>> Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"Barack Obama wins the 44th US elections and is elected as a new President of US after defeating McCain."
"He is the first Black President for US"
"The win by Mr Obama, son of a black father from Kenya and white mother from Kansas, marked a milestone in US history. It came 45 years after the height of the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King."
Over midnight the US residents gather outside White House to cheer him.
He is in talks to improve the financial crises on the Wall Street and has also saluted the US Army force which is in Iraq as well as in Afghanistan.
Americans are betting on him to change their country forever and give it a new direction.
Mr Obama has promised to restore US leadership in the world by working closely with foreign allies and dropping some of the policies that made Mr Bush an unpopular leader at home and abroad.
How will the change in President affect the US economy ? (Both Positive and Negative)
A - New President brings new hopes .
He brings new policies and reforms.
His style of leadership.
Welfare towards home country and other countries too.
How will India benefit ?
India and US share a good relationship. He will bring a change.
There are various types of economical cycles and their structure. In Cyclical structure every country is depended on each other say for example if US goes in recession the countries exporting to US may also follow in its route.
The conditions at present are not good due to subprime crises. When the conditions in US change Indian conditions are bound to change.
Thus the cyclical economic structure will ensure a positive move in Indian when the economic condition in US change. This can happen over a period of time.
I congratulate Barak Obama.
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I congratulate him to.
Nice post Chirag.
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